Wednesday, May 13

Estiu, tardor, hivern.

Aquel día, después del café de media tarde, me negué a escuchar las obviedades que me brindaban sus palabras y creí, empeciñado, que todavía no era demasiado tarde, que todo aquello ni se me escapaba de las manos ni lo había hecho nunca. Y, si no me atreví a decir que tampoco lo haría jamás, fue porque un poco de razón sí que conservaba.

Ni octubre ni noviembre fueron buenos meses. Pablo y Carmen hacía tiempo que se habían marchado y de ti apenas sabía nada desde mediados de septiembre. De aquel modo, fui pasando el otoño en un piso demasiado grande para un hombre y un gato. A pesar de mi orgullo, diciembre me obligó a renunciar y a olvidarme de mis palabras estivales.

Aquel enero, como casi todos los que nos habíamos negado a aceptar la realidad, acabé por marchar. Así, terminó cumpliéndose eso que Paz se atrevió a decir, que siempre ocurre que las cosas importantes pasan cuando hace mucho frío.

Sunday, January 11

The bad guy.

I suppose he had an unhappy childhood. That's easy to say now we all know what he's done. However, I did think he was a sad person the first time I met. He had an old-fashioned way of wearing and he used to shout and talk as if we had to pay attention to him all the time. I must admit I got on well, we became friends rapidly and we met every fucking sunday evening of that November. Then he met Suzzie and it was the first time I thought he was happy. His eyes gleamed and all was easy, it was Christmas and they were glad.

We didn't met for a long time after Christmas because I was working in a new project and was very busy and I couldn't stand Suzzie, who was really stuffy and a fucking disaster as a person. It was May the 3rd the last time I saw him. He had broken up with Suzzie and was sad again.

That June I ended that project I was developping and I left the island and I didn't see him anymore. Three years later I found out he had killed her and he had been imprisoned.